Zivian Health Predicts 5 Trends in Digital Healthcare Coming in 2024
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CLEVELAND ~ The healthcare industry is facing a staffing shortage of more than 2 million openings annually, and the growth rate is 40% higher than the average for all other occupations. To address this issue, Zivian Health, Inc., a healthcare platform that empowers compliant collaborations between nurse practitioners (NP) and physician assistants (PA) to physicians, has identified five trends that will shape the industry in 2024.

According to Dr. Rafid Fadul, Zivian founder and CEO, "We are witnessing firsthand where digital healthcare solutions are improving patient care and reducing burnout among providers." He believes that AI-powered tools will revolutionize healthcare by liberating professionals from paperwork and streamlining administrative documentation.

The rise of SaaS platforms has enabled physicians to earn high incomes without long hours or day-to-day stresses. NPs have also taken advantage of these platforms to start their own healthcare organizations with less paperwork and more patient care. Mobile-friendly SaaS platforms have also addressed the 'healthcare desert' in the US by providing patients with access to care from anywhere at any time.

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Data security and compliance with regulations like HIPAA are essential for protecting patient information, which is why SaaS platforms prioritize robust data security measures. Secure messaging tools enable NPs, PAs and doctors to communicate with each other and with patients securely. Real-time collaboration tools integrate with remote monitoring devices so that NPs, PAs and doctors can track patient vitals remotely for proactive care.

Zivian Health recently raised more than $3 million and has generated thousands of interactions between hundreds of NPs, PAs and physician collaborators. The company has enabled NPs to become healthcare entrepreneurs while generating millions in income for both NP-owned and operated health organizations.
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